Fungsi Komite Audit | Audit Committee Function |
Penerapan prinsip – prinsip Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik (GCG) secara menyeluruh dan konsisten merupakan hal mendasar bagi perusahaan. Salah satu unsur dalam kerangka GCG yang diharapkan mampu memberikan kontribusi signifikan dalam penerapannya adalah komite audit. | The implementation of the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) thoroughly and consistently is fundamental for the company. One of the elements in the GCG framework that is expected to be able to make a significant contribution in its implementation is the audit committee. |
Komite audit membantu dewan komisaris untuk memenuhi tanggung jawab pengawasannya yang meliputi:
| The audit committee assists the board of commissioners in fulfilling its supervisory responsibilities which include:
Partner kami dengan relevansi pengalaman dan kemampuannya dapat membantu para stakeholder dalam tim komite audit. | Our partners with the relevance of their experiences and abilities can assist the stakeholders in the audit committee team. |
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut terkait dengan jasa kami silakan hubungi customer services kami di or 0878 8379 7583 (WhatsApp only) | For more information related to our services, please contact our customer services at or 0878 8379 7583 (WhatsApp only) |